How can claims management be quick and simple?

David Grüll
December 10, 2022
minute reading time

Debt collection is fraught with difficulties. Whether you are a small business owner, a sole trader or even a medium-sized company, financial unpredictability, cash flow problems, liquidity problems and quantifiable losses can make your company's daily life difficult. Not to mention the lengthy negotiations with a law firm and the start of proceedings. That's where we've developed our new and efficiency-enhancing solution.

Debt settlement helps your business!

If we lived in an ideal world, and all bills were paid on time, there would be no need for debt management companies, but the reality is different and it is worth adapting. A significant number of businesses have experienced unpaid invoices in the course of their operations, or at least late payment by their customers.

In an ideal world, there would be no need for debt management companies

This is not only a financial and legal problem and headache for the company, but also a "matter of honour", as the seller wants the buyer to respect him and pay his invoice on time. In short, the seller has a right to expect to be paid on time for the work done.

Debt collection and the initiation of proceedings by a debt management company or law firm is not only a lengthy, opaque, time-consuming and unpleasant task, but if it is poorly managed, without proper processes in place, it also has a direct impact on the financial health of your company, for example, cash flow problems, payment and liquidity problems, and losses to account for to the board.

More predictable finances with receivables management

When a situation arises where accounts are overdue, a conscious financial manager should take action to optimise cash flow and preserve liquidity.

However, the traditional ways ofstarting the collection process and initiating the procedure (going to a law firm or hiring a traditional debt collection company) take up a lot of valuable time and money. Not to mention the costs of lawyers (e.g. fees for payment orders and enforcement).

These processes are often characterised by office visits, paperwork and hassle, which is an unpleasant situation for both the creditor and the debtor.

Failure to collect receivables can lead to bankruptcy in the long run, which is a very extreme and bad situation from a financial fitness point of view, so we strongly recommend that as a conscious business and financial manager you pay attention to this area and take the steps to make your company fitter.

One step towards this is the professional operation of the receivables management system. This may seem like a big deal at first, but the good news is that today, professional systems are no longer the prerogative of large companies, with just a few clicks you can move your entire debt collectionto our platform, where you can then manage everything in one place and keep this area safe in your hands.

claims management
Rest assured, you've done all you could

No more unpleasant debt collection!

"They owe me money, but I feel bad " - sound familiar? It shouldn't. Why do you feel uncomfortable when you've done the work but you're not getting paid? Especially when you've been dragging your feet for so long and you're just running after your money.

Payee provides a one-stop, instant solution to this, allowing you to take care of your overdue debt on one platform, no more going to a lawyer for collections. We minimize your work with overdue receivables, leaving you more time to grow and develop. We'll be like having a collections assistant who does a lot of the work for you.

Our service consists of three modules, the order of which is up to you:

  1. Payment notice - Email and SMS reminder series
  2. Lawyer's letter - Letter by post signed by a lawyer
  3. Legal recovery - The entire process of payment order and enforcement in one place, easier than ever, without consulting a law firm.

The Payee platform is like a receivables management webshop where you only add what you need to your shopping cart, only then you pay the fees you start. Our most powerful tool is the launch of a legal recovery, which starts with a payment order. Here is some useful information about this.

How can an order for payment be made easier?

The order for payment procedure, or " OAPO" for short, is a very popular legal instrument at EU level and in Hungary (about 500 000 cases are started in Hungary alone every year) and a powerful legal tool in case you have run out of patience and want to take a serious but 100% legal step to get your rightful claim back.

This is one of the best debt recovery methods available today

With the Payee team, we've digitised the entire process of making an order for payment so you spend the minimum amount of time on collection and get a fair price. You no longer need to go to a notary or lawyer to start an order for payment against your debtor. You can start the procedure online, without paperwork and without communicating with people, in a few clicks and in about 5 minutes.

Once you've started, you'll also be up to date with the follow-up of the case, because you won't have to phone the lawyer to check how the case is going, what you have to pay and where. With our platform, you can see the exact statuses and tasks in one place so you don't have to keep anything in your head.

receivables management
Statuses and tasks in one place

The automated claims management process

Finally, we'd like to summarise the benefits of choosing to move your company's receivables management into the digital space and using a modern solution, rather than working with law firms or traditional receivables management companies.

  • Traceable - Real-time statuses are visible on the platforms for each case, so you don't have to track down a statement with a lead time.
  • Control - Because you can see the status all the time, you can stop cases at any time on the platform, you have control over the process.
  • Transparent costs - There are no hidden costs and you get accurate automatic accounting for everything.
  • Automation - Whatever you can do, we automate, so you spend hours to minutes doing it.
  • Scalability - Whether you have one case or a thousand, Payee handles mass case initiation.
  • Simplicity - One platform to replace debt collection agencies, law firms and notaries.

After a few clicks to create an account, the claims management process consists of 3 simple steps:

  1. Entering data
  2. Payment of application fees
  3. Tracking on the platform

How can you get started?

You have 3 options:

  1. If you want to know more, you can download our free guide to financial fitness.
  2. If everything is clear and you' re ready to start your first case, you can create your account here.
  3. If you represent a larger company or have a larger volume of overdue stock, you can book an appointment with one of our experts to talk through how Payee can fit into your processes.
David Grüll

Lawyer, ethical hacker, entrepreneur. He is one of the few people who are both law and IT enthusiasts. He has worked at the Constitutional Court, at the law firm Jókay & Partners, and as a freelancer he developed business automation solutions for a real estate management company.

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