Whether you are a company and you have not been paid, or you are an individual and you are owed money, you need to find a way to solve this "headache", because in extreme cases it can mean the loss of a company if even one customer does not pay an invoice, so that the company cannot pay your wages, office, expenses. So it is worth taking professional debt recovery seriously.
There are basically three stages to what you can do as a creditor:
The order for payment (OAPO) is a standard based on EU legislation that is becoming increasingly popular, with nearly half a million cases being started in Hungary each year.
In the case of a payment notice, you can choose to entrust a debt collection partner with this, or you can keep it in-house and then you can send the debtor a payment notice in your own name. This can be done by email, telephone or post. We will now give you a starting point for the postal letter.
This is a simple form, which, among other things, precisely indicates
Click on the link below to download the free sample form, which you can fill in and post today. It's worth sending it as a registered letter and you'll receive feedback on the success of the delivery:
The question is a good one and you'll like the answer: Yes, you can! If you don't want the hassle of drafting, sending and mailing a payment notice and would rather get it over with quickly, we can offer you the following alternative
these two solutions are a softer solution than the order for payment module, where we communicate with the debtor for you. It's worth starting with these, and of course you can also start the order for payment process straight away if you prefer.
If you need a more powerful tool than a writ, you can start an order for payment, which is the only legally binding instrument in Hungary
Good luck in recovering your claim!